5 Lessons That I Had To Learn About My Money This Year

It's easier to cling to debt rather than paying it off. This is one of the things I learned about myself this year.

For example, I finished paying my Game card and then thought: maybe I shouldn't close it. What if something happens and I need it - what if I need it in the future to buy food there?

This is the same for one of my clothing accounts. I think: was I going to need it someday?

I started documenting my personal finances on my blog last year because I wanted to get rid of all my debts. I was done because I regularly received calls from call centers, people asking "when do you pay this or that?"

It is quite stressful if you get such calls. What makes it stressful is that you live every month from the hand to the mouth and think: how am I going to get out that month?

I realized I had to make a plan to change my situation.

My goal was to pay off all my credit card debt. I managed it by September this year. I realized in September that it would be a good idea to pay off my car as well. I bought the car over five years ago and owe more than R40,000 on it.

Besides my debt, I want to save money for my daughter's future.

Here are things I learned about myself and how I handle my finances:

Of course, my biggest goal is to do these things for my daughter and her future. I learned that one should write down your goals because that's how you remember it. I soon forget and sometimes I get down on my notebook or notes on my phone or even my blog posts, then it reminds me of my goals.

I was one of those people who said: "I'm not good at finances." I also said I didn't have money for savings. However, I've learned it's important to speak and manifest positive things about yourself.
To write down your goals and also how to get there helps with the manifestation.

I think my biggest weakness is to buy lunch when I'm at my workplace. I'm just a lazy man and in the morning, ai, who now wants to put bread or food in it. However, I realized it would save my money if I put my own food or bread (lunch) for work. It also helps if you plan ahead (Sunday already) that you are going to eat that week.

It's important to make a priority list especially if you do your budget each month. And yes, some of us do not budget and this is also a mistake. Identify the essentials. For me, I may not pay or neglect any less on my rent or car debt or certain groceries.

Is there anything you learned during your trip to save money for something? Let me know in the comment section below.


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