Why I Decided to Start Blogging

Hi and welcome to Lolly’s Secrets!!! I'm so glad that you decided to come on over and read some of my posts! This is my first post so I’m a bit nervous! But I would like to thank you so much for exploring my blog and my thoughts! So why did I decide to start blogging?

I remember telling friends and family “listen… I think I'm going to start a blog”. Some were like “finally! somewhere for you to put all those "funny" thoughts!” and others were just like

“oh!” (raised eyebrow) and they were so confused like “you really want to start a blog?”. “why would you want to do that?”, “why would you want to air all your dirty laundry”... “All your “secrets”?!”, “Gosh! I couldn’t do that! It’s such an invasion of privacy”

I thought about all of this and went back and forth trying to make up my mind whether I should or shouldn't go ahead with it. In the end, I just decided, you know what?, why the hell not? Why not start a blog? Why not share the thoughts that go on in my head?

Now, I don’t have any major secrets by any standard… I just have secrets like everyone else really. Everyone has secrets! Right? And I thought, you know what?..I’m going to do it! After all I've been told so many times, by so many people that I know, that “OMG! your life is so interesting! if there was a book or TV show on your life I’d definitely read or watch it!”. Every time that’s been said to me, I've been so confused about how i was supposed to feel about it.

I didn’t know wether to feel embarrassed or honoured that they found my life THAT interesting to the point of book or TV entertainment! The reason being is that I've never really felt my life was that interesting before. I just felt things happened to me and some were funny, some sad some inspiring and some satisfying.

One thing I have definitely experienced is that when I'm having conversations with people and I am in a social setting, people tend to gravitate towards my group.  I don't think that it is necessary because it's me but our topics or point of views somehow always tend to lean towards the unusual as they are not necessarily politically correct nor proper social etiquette. Oh well!

Like anyone, I’ve had some life altering events that have happened over the course of my life and looking back, I now understand what those people saw when they were hooked by my stories. If my family were on tv, we would probably do better than some reality shows.

I mean, the drama that was around us was ridiculous!  And that was the moment I decided someone should be cataloging all these juicy moments. I would have, then and there, but I just didn't know how to go about it and to be quite honest, it just wasn’t a priority.  So we continued to share these stories within the family during special occasions and family holidays and we have been able to laugh at some and learn from others. 

I also decided that these stories will be interesting anecdotes that I can tell to my children and, someday, my grandchildren. That's not to say that my blog will be just about my family. However a lot of things have happened over time and have included my family and I will be sharing my perspective on them, how they changed me but also moulded me into the person that I am today.

I also obviously love talking about other things like my obsession with food!!! Life, Hair, Makeup, beauty products, shopping and so much more. I just wanted a space where I can share my thoughts on things that have happened, are happening and will be happening and how I feel about them. I felt there must be somewhere I can put all this stuff so those who are interested can read, enjoy, share and discuss.

I did some research and although I was looking for somewhere to place my thoughts, I initially took to Insta Stories to share some of these thoughts. I was told that i was  having a “Kanye moment”. That stung! But there will always be a negative Nancy out there. One of my first lessons in social media and I’m sure, many more to follow.

I also had a lot of people endorsing my thoughts and that was the push I needed to take the next step. So although Instagram was not necessarily the best platform, I think i was on the right track in sharing and figured out a blog was definitely the right one. I also know that I can make a little bit of pocket change from this and It can’t hurt to earn some to keep the blog going and pay off a few bills.

I don't know about you, but for me I've always wanted to do whatever I loved and get paid for it. As the great Mark Twain said “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. I aspire to do that both in my day job and in my blog dabbling and hope they lead me to the freedom that I crave.

I hope you enjoy the stories, thoughts and musings that will emerge. If there's anything that you want to know more about or a topic you feel I should cover, leave your suggestions down below and I will be more than happy to take them under advisement and consideration and see which ones I want to share with you. Thank you so much for reading and being a part of this journey. Join meon FacebookInstagram and Pinterest that way, we can all continue to connect and discuss life, style and everything in-between.

I want to hear some of your thoughts on the same topics, I want to know where you're going and I'd love to meet kindred spirits!!! People who have the same feelings as I do on certain topics and if you don't have the same feelings well... I would also love to get your thoughts, maybe we can have a discussion. I love connecting with people and networking with other like minded people! Hopefully we will get to connect some more on some of my other posts as well.

In the meantime, What about you? Have you felt the pressing need to share your thoughts? How did you fulfil that overwhelming desire to share? Let me know in the comments!

Until the next post! Ciao!



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