A half year round up

A half year round up

Yes, I know, we’re into August but it’s not too late to have a check in on my resolutions for 2018 is it? I hope not. Every year I use my blog as a place to put my goals for the year out there as it makes me a bit more accountable when it comes to actually achieving them and I like to use the midpoint of the year to ensure I’m on track (even if I am a bit late this time).

Here’s what I planned to do and where I’m at with it.

Do more fun stuff
This is my reoccurring resolution as I like to put it out there that I want to do fun, planned stuff that I’ll really look forward to. So far this year, I’ve seen more of my blogger gals, been to a lot of events, went to London for a Nandos, been ‘out’ out a lot, gone to two gigs and attended my first festival. With all the fun stuff that’s gone in between that, especially when it’s meant catching up with friends and family, I’d say that I’m very much on track with this one.

Improve my living space
As I got some new prints for my flat for Christmas, there’s definitely an improvement going on in my flat as I’ve started to put a bit more time into making my little home more ‘me’. That said, there’s still a bit of a way to go before it looks exactly how I want it to. I’m really enjoying this process though, even the little things like buying myself a bunch of flowers does make a difference.

Own my style
I’m definitely at my most insecure when it comes to my body but I’m starting to come round to the idea that I can still like the clothes I wear even when I’m not feeling it. I’ve definitely stopped trying to defend my style as I know I’m not the classiest or the most feminine of people in the way that I dress but I’m accepting that a bit more. I’ve actually started shopping for clothes that are a bit out my comfort zone (2018 has seen me wearing yellow!) and I’ve started picking things up because I like them the best not because they make me look slimmer than I am. I know, what a ground breaking concept, not dressing to look smaller.

Learn more professionally
So far, so good! The last few months has seen me going to London to Facebook’s first UK agency day and also their Blueprint Live training. I’ve done my first client pitches which was a kick out of my comfort zone and even spoke at a Leeds Loves Digital event. I’m really enjoying the learning curve at the moment as whilst it’s still steep, it’s all great experience under my belt and it’s making me more passionate about social media than ever before.

Going by my resolutions, 2018 isn’t shaping up to be a bad year and whilst there have definitely been some rocky patches, I’m looking forward to the challenges and experiences that the rest of the year brings. How are your resolutions going so far? Let me know in the comments.


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