Love Your Body
As the time draws near for the season of summer to peak, most of us still don’t have our “summer bodies” we promised ourselves we would have 8 years ago. I have a few questions. What is a summer body? Who decides what it looks like? What are the benefits of having one? And of course, we know what it is, who decides what it looks like and the benefits of having one. If you don’t know, let me fill you in. A summer body is a body suitable for the weather in summer. Sundresses, shorts, vibes, you get the idea. Society decides what it looks like. Benefits? Men want you more than ever, you get more likes and followers on social media and to be honest, you’re just awesome in general. You’re considered the standard. The rest of us, however, beat ourselves up for years about this summer body ritual that we have to go into before summer arrives. We almost never get it done and the years of saying we would just increases. We have felt bad all those years and probably still do, but I am here t...